The word Ayurveda emerges from two words – Ayur (life/age) and Veda(science/wisdom). The modern medical science starts with the diseases and ends on their symptomatic treatment. But Ayurveda is unique. It starts with a healthy lifestyle. The primary aim of Ayurveda is not to cure the sick but to preserve the health of the healthy. It is not a defensive but proactive science.Normally it appears to the layman that Ayurveda is all about herbal home remedies and yoga etc. But Ayurveda is complete health science.
The first step for Ayurveda treatment is to stop the disease-causing factors (nidana privarjanama – removal of the cause). Let us look at some of the severely debilitating factors for naturally healthy hair and skin. Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest holistic (“whole-body”) healing systems. Ayurveda is considered by many scholars to be the oldest healing science. In Sanskrit, Ayurveda means “The Science of Life.”
Ayurvedic knowledge originated in India more than 5,000 years ago and is often called the “Mother of All Healing.” It stems from the ancient Vedic culture and was taught for many thousands of years in an oral tradition from accomplished masters to their disciples. It’s based on the belief that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body, and spirit. Its main goal is to promote good health, not fight disease.

But treatments may be geared toward specific health problems..The basic difference between Ayurveda and Western allopathic medicine is important to understand. Western allopathic medicine currently tends to focus on symptomatology and disease, and primarily uses drugs and surgery to rid the body of pathogens or diseased tissue. Many lives have been saved by this approach. In fact, surgery is encompassed by Ayurveda. However, drugs, because of their toxicity, often weaken the body. Ayurveda does not focus on disease. Rather, Ayurveda maintains that all life must be supported by energy in balance. When there is minimal stress and the flow of energy within a person is balanced, the body’s natural defence systems will be strong and can more easily defend against disease.


Ayurvedic remedies are time-tested and proven to be the best for hair. They are healing for the scalp and beautifying for the hair. Healthy hair and radiant skin are the hallmarks for perfect beauty. I remember the knee length hair of my grandmother. Such long and healthy hair were not uncommon a few decades back. Today such hair will make everyone’s eyes pop! The way to long and healthy hair goes back to mother nature. Ayurveda, the ancient traditional medicine, contains the secret to beautiful hair.


Our skin is an expression of the overall harmony of what’s going on inside & most imbalances show up on our faces. Our skin, the body’s largest organ, acts more like a sponge than a barrier, and absorbs close to 60 to 90% of all that we put on it. Over the last 50 years, tens of thousands of new chemicals have been developed, most of which have never been properly tested on humans. We absorb a huge array of these synthetic chemicals through our food, our toiletries and our immediate environment, and whilst we may not be able to avoid all of these chemicals, we believe it makes sense to do what we can to minimise contact wherever possible. For us 100% safe means to be free from any unnatural and toxic ingredient, harsh chemical preservatives, alcohol or unnatural stabilizers, parabens, sulphates, petrochemicals or petroleum by-products, phthalates, mineral oils, hydrogenated oils, synthetic chemical perfumes/fragrances, artificial colouring or preservatives, harsh detergents or any other unhealthy toxins.


We have listed some of the common ingredients that you find in standard cosmetics that you must avoid because they are proven to be hazardous chemicals, highly toxic and potentially dangerous for your health. There is a major flaw in the body care approach today. It is the outside-in approach of care that is ruining the natural beauty of the hair and skin. We try different external remedies for hair and skin. We drown our hair in a cocktail of chemicals in the form of different shampoos, conditioners, gels, lotions, etc. These so-called “hair-care products” are nothing but a flood of toxin for our hair.